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Support for
Mind & Spirit
in Challenging Times

When living in troubling times with distressing news filtering in from all sides, most of us just want to escape to safe spaces and shut it out. But with the ongoing nature of the current crisis, such distractions are temporary and not very satisfying. As an alternative to running away, here are resources and practices for exercising the mind, emotions and spirit to stay healthy and present during life's difficult moments.
Readings on calming the mind & minimizing anxiety:
If You're Panicking About the Coronavirus,
Stop Yourself by Trying These 7 Methods
By Sonia Brill, LCSW, Therapist and Certified Meditation Instructor
How to maintain relationships at home,
and understanding the difference between
loneliness and aloneness
Daily meditation decreases anxiety and improves cognitive functioning in new meditators after 8 weeks
Feeling Stressed?
These Meditation Apps Are Free Right Now
Tips for Mindfulness & Coping with Anxiety
5 TED Talks:
That Will Help You Manage Anxiety and Build Resilience |
At-Home Wellness Guide to Staying Healthy During COVID-19

"Only a profound inward revolution which alters all our values can create a different environment, an intelligent social structure, and such a revolution can be brought about only by you and me."

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